November 11, 2007

New Game - [XB360] Dynasty Warrior

Purchased New XB360 game - Shin Sango Musou 5 (it's called "Dynasty Warrior" in English). It's the latest in this series, for those who don't know about this game, just think of it as an action game where you face over a thousand enemies. It's kind of addicting playing it. This time it's in HD too. The details of the warriors' armor, the buildings are pretty cool. You can check out the site below

買了新的 XB360 遊戲 - 「三國無双●五」,玩過很多無双的遊戲,如「三國無双」、「戰國無双」和「無双大蛇」等等,三國無双始終感覺最正常。這一集中的改動也頗多的,武將減少幾個,動作多了爬梯、游泳等。感覺新鮮了一點。


So, you got a new phone, right. I gonna get a new one too,
but it's not out yet. You'll see when I buy it.
N81 is pretty new, isn't it?? (How much??)



Anonymous said...

i've downgraded my plan to 30pounds a month (downgradED still need 30 pounds lor).... then pay extra 30pounds for the phone.