May 24, 2007


星期四佛誕,放假。所以星期三晚去左會展睇《新城唱好好友音樂會》。因為 MMK 有飛,仲要係紅區,算好前了。今次係 COMPASS VISA 贊助的,歌手主要係何韻詩,仲有黃耀明、JUNO、方大同,張繼聰同曹格。好耐無聽音樂會,都 OK 啦。

To: Peggy

Don't look back, there are things ahead that need your full attention. What you should do now is focus on the challenges in the coming days. The test may work in a master scale system, where a percentage of the student can obtain a pass. In that way. things don't look too bad.

Get over it and look ahead!!


Anonymous said...

Zone Red is not just ok la. Red is the best zone! Anyway, happy to hear that you enjoy the show.

Anonymous said...

wow... thanks for yr words..... it's really touching..wahaha....btw....OMG, u went to watch a concert....重點係有曹格, i love his songs soooo much~ Does he speak cantonese?