October 19, 2007

Adding Smileys

I woke up pretty early today (in terms of of holiday) and I went on the web and check if I can find anything to spice up my little site. Then I found a little javescript in iBenjamin's site to add little :# smileys :) to blog post, so I am trying it out.

Moreover, I also added the facebook profile link to the left nav bar, check it out.

今天一早醒來,心血來潮想為自己的 BLOG 加一些新玩意,結果於 iBenjamin 的 Blog 中找到了為 Blog 加入 :p 表情笑臉 :) 的 javascript 真的很有趣方便,最好的還是它不會拖慢 BLOG 的載入時間,所有文字載入了,才會用圖示取代。

另外,我亦加入了 Facebook 的連結到左面的控制列,連到本人的 Facebook 檔。


Anonymous said...

why did u type both English and Chinese version ge?! that's wht Wu Chun does.......haha

Anonymous said...

hey, tell me if u like this mobile or not, W910i (Golden), it's only exclusive to Vodafone. Coz my contract nearly ends, and there's an upgrade for me. But there isnt any phones which i really like lor. So just wanna ask if u want this one or not as I can get it for free. Or actually, Can u hv a look at the price of Z610i in HK for me please?