October 30, 2007

Artificial Tornado

Just now I was surfing the web, came across a news clip about the Mercedes-Benz Museum in Germany. What do you expect to see in this museum? Floors of cars? Engines? Company history? Well, in this museum, Mercedes-Benz has successfully created a 34.4 m high artificial tornado!! The reason for this artificial tornado to be in the building is because the architect decided not to install fire doors in the building, and too meet with regulations, this is the solution to take smoke out of the museum in case of a fire.

未自過真正的龍捲風? 位於德國的平治博物館便成功於室內製作了世上最大的「人造龍捲風」。造這個高34.4米的龍捲風的原因,是由於大廈沒有加設防煙門的設計(美觀因素)。而「人造龍捲風」便可以達到於火警時迅速帶走濃煙的功能了。

Mercedes-Benz news sources

還有 movie clip 呢。 (下方)