October 07, 2007

PGR4 Launched

期待已久的 PGR4 已經面世了,但我還未買 (??) 因為總覺得有一些對不起 Forza Motorsport 2,Forza 2仍未玩透,再買一隻新賽車 game 好像有一點。

相比起 forza,PGR4 是一隻著重速度感多於真實的賽車遊戲,所以其實兩者也有值得買之處,加上 PGR4 有澳門賽道,$170的價格,實在值得。

The long awaited Project Gotham Racing 4 has launched last week. However, I still haven't add it to my collection of games. Why, you asked, the reason is I still haven't finished playing my previous racing game "Forza Motosport 2".

However, Forza 2 and PGR4 are two totally different games. Forza focuses on the reality of racing mechanics, like the abality to remodel your car, all the technology, racing statistics. whereas PGR4 simply look for speeds and the feeling of driving a super car at 200 mph through real city roads.

To be honest, I AM gonna buy PGR4, not only because in this version, it includes streets of Macau, but the price is also very flavourable, only $170...