October 15, 2007

Remodelling (still??)

Yes, still working hard in remodelling my site, after searching for information on blogger, I realised that by using javascripts, and CSS, it is possible to improve the blogger experience to a much higher level. However, I have also realised that not all web browers supports the functions used. Anyway, I can safely say that the content you view in your website will be content, but if you want full effects and proper functionality, I would suggest you use firefox.

還在改網頁嗎?是的。最近埋頭於網上找資料豐富自己的網頁,結果發現 Blogger 的可塑性的確頗高,利用 javascript 和 CSS 於 template 內,整個上網體驗也可以改變。 (不信可以試試行 WEB 2.0 的 NEOBRICK Blogger) ,當我改自己的網頁時,同事發現很多的效果不是每一個瀏覽器也支援。總之我這個網支援的主要是 Firefox,快點轉換吧。

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