December 03, 2007

Ace Combat 6

Purchased "Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation" for xBox360 about two weeks ago. I finally finished the game. It's has been some time since I played such a great game. All the graphics, intensity of battle together with the vocals give you incredible experience. The cut scenes between gameplay was rendered live because you can see the aircrafts in the scene was the one you selected to fly. Let see some more pictures (They are rendered real time).

約於兩星期前售入了 《ace combat 6: Fires of Liberation》,今天終於打完了。很久沒有玩過像這樣的一個好 GAME. 遊戲的可玩性、飛機的細緻度、真實性、甚至遊戲的英/日配音,讓遊戲的緊張氣氛完全展現出來。另外,此遊戲的故事性十分不錯,一關關打下去就好像看一套電影般,而且影片中的戰機就是你挑選出戰的,所以是實時建構的,看看圖片吧 (Real Time Render 的)。

A very good multi-role plane (RafaleM)

Stealth Fighter (F-117A)

My Favourite Flighter (Su-47)


Anonymous said...

The graphics are so real! Now I understand why you like to 打飛機 almost every night la!

Anonymous said...

hey, DONT try to ignore me ar.... please read that really short paragraph, and briefly explain wht it means. PLEASE!!