November 28, 2007

Domain Name Renewed

After a week, my domain name has finally reborn!!! Hurray!!! Well, for those of you who complained to me about the website, I just want to say the domain name has been registered for a period of two years, expiring on the 11 Nov, 2009.

這個網的域名終於重生了,chantony.com已經續期至 2009年11月15 日,大家可以繼續瀏覽了,謝謝各位於這段期間告知我網頁到期的事,証明這個網也有一些常客的。

小 KIT,

收到你的留言及 SMS 了,我地都好掛住你呀,我想搞打邊爐,有興趣嗎,CALL 我 CONFIRM 啦。



Anonymous said...

終於都俾左錢喇....唉~~ btw, 我病左喎, 冇理由你冇事架..... 小心身體好喎, and take good care of mummy la~~ c u soon~~